Coir Substrate Sri Lanka

What is Coir Substrate? Coir substrate is a by-product obtained from the processing of coconut known as the coir fibre obtained from the husk of the coconut. Coconuts have many uses and the husk is often regarded as waste, so this by-product has been developed into a useful growing medium that is environmentally friendly and does not take away agricultural land like peat moss does. Coir substrate is a natural resource with many advantageous features such as strong water absorption, easy biodegradation, and many air pockets within the medium, hence it is more suited for crops and effective in applications such as greenhouses or hydroponics. Why is Sri Lanka a Global Leader in the Coir Substrate Production? Among the many competing countries, Sri Lanka developed and established a prominent coir industry for this reasons: 1. Lots of coconuts grown Every year, Sri Lanka yields more than 2.5 billion coconuts which makes such great resources for the coir industry. 2. Former...